I'll be interviewing my friend, someone that gives me "Jinja" in the food business, her name is Miss Bolade Ajayi, I call her "Bols" short for Bolade, She is a food and lifestyle content creator. She is a food enthusiast and a food critic that loves to explore the art and concept of food, she is on a quest to taste every food in the world. She has taken it upon herself to on Instagram to take her followers on various food adventures starting from her immediate environment Lagos, Nigeria. She also loves to cook and share her recipes for people to recreate, Join me as I welcome Miss Bolade Ajayi.

Proper introduction
My name is Bolade. I'm a food and lifestyle content creator and vlogger.

What inspired you to be a food critic?
Food inspired me to be a food critic. Let me explain. Food is a lot. Food is also about ingredients, flavours, the work that goes into doing a making a dish.  When you visit different town/countries and see how they make their food, how they use their ingredients and how they pass this on to generations. It's amazing. This and more inspires me, I want to know why is this done this way and how is it done.

When did you discover your food critic abilities?
From my love for food. Whatever I taste or eat on a normal day even if it is my mum's food, I'd always say something about it and ask questions and that's how it started.

What do you like about being a food enthusiast and critic?
I get to eat food. "Lol", Actually it about discovering different things about food. Flavour, techniques and learning about them.

What should a food critic have or know?
He/She must have a passion for food and love it because not everyone likes food. Yes, you should know quite a number about food but that's the most important cos you can't always talk about something you don't like. 

What do you look out for in a restaurant?
The food obviously but also the ambience, the staff and so on.
Who do you look up to in the food critic industry (Nigeria & Abroad)
Opeyemi Famakin for Nigeria and Food god abroad and other food bloggers as well.

What do you love about food generally? (because for me I love the concept and I love the beauty)
I love a lot about food. I love the fact that food is versatile. You can make a lot of things from one ingredient.
You know if two different people cook the same type of dish sometimes it doesn't taste the same. I love food because of the diversity, the culture, the different flavours and a lot more.

How do you get funds aside your allowance?
I have quite a several things I do. I cook for people and deliver.  I give lessons on how to cook. I also work in a restaurant. I also write articles and blog posts.

How do you shuffle between school and restaurant reviews? (based on time)
I don't only do restaurant review so I have a lot of options. Anything I eat during my day that I find interesting. I make a review. When it comes to restaurant reviews, I do that on weekends when I'm in school.

How do you judge a restaurant? or on what basis do you review a restaurant?
The food cos that's what I'm there for. Also, the environment how beautiful and comfortable it is. What kind of vibe does it give. How competent and helpful their staffs are. And their service in general.

Do you trash people's restaurants?
No, I wouldn't that. Apart from loving food if I review a restaurant or any brand its because I want to help them grow and reach a larger audience not to trash them. If something is wrong, I give my opinion honestly.

How did you get into the foodie world?
Food has always been my thing from a young age so I just knew at some point that it would be one of the things I eventually find a way to do.
So instead of keeping it to myself, I decided to share it with everyone.

What do you think about Nigerian Cuisine?
Nigerian cuisine is beautiful. You may not know because it's something you eat every day and you probably don't see anything special about it but if you think of it we have a lot to give. A lot of recreation and creativity with our food. I do believe that we are already creating our space on the map and you know it goes up from there.

Thank you for your time Miss Bolade
Thank you for having me.

Hope you gained something from everything, to connect with Miss Bolade click on the link Bolade Ajayi

With this, I believe you have been enlightened today. If yes please drop a comment in the comment box. You can also subscribe to get information as regards the next post.

Thank you.


  1. This was a good read

    1. Thank you sir, we look forward to having you next


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